Total Service Engineering, establishes itself thanks to its multidisciplinary approach in the architectural and engineering design for the retail, industry, tertiary and civil sectors.


The firm provides support and expertise on projects in their entirety.

The main activities include the architectural, electrical and mechanical design and the management of the organizational aspects, all carried out under the control of a project manager.

Thanks to the experience gained over the years and a wide-ranging expertise, the project manager shall coordinate, manage and supervise the operative phases. In doing so, the executive project’s relevance to its practical realization is assured.


An essential factor for the design stage, the energy efficiency engages synergistically professionals of various fields.

A specialized and constantly up-to-date team allows to make the most of collaborations and consulting exchanges during the design stage. Furthermore, it is possible to monitor and analyze the energy consumption of buildings or any process.

Total Service Engineering realizes programs for the energy efficiency which can be applied to buildings and systems, thanks to the acquisition, management and study of data collected in the field.

That is because only by acquiring and analyzing the actual energy data it is possible to identify the strategies to be applied in order to achieve significant energy savings.


Structural design refers to the correct modeling and the right sizing of premises, buildings and structures in order to realize a functional environment with a solid structure that matches the aesthetic needs of the client.

Not only Total Service Engineering deals with new structures, but also with buildings under renovation, finding solutions to maintain valuable historical-artistic elements as well.

In this case, the attention for details and the conservation of existing buildings is meticulously managed by integrating the planning phase with field analysis activities.


The acoustic analysis of a building is essential to guarantee its comfort and improve its overall quality standards.

Total Service Engineering ensures the study and acoustic optimization of both single premises and entire buildings. Thanks to the coordination and collaboration between architects and installers, design solutions are optimized to minimize the environmental effects, e.g. the noise of air-conditioning systems, manufacturing plants or generated by external sources.

Thus, it is possible to resolve acoustic problems beforehand, monitoring every stage of the work.


Fire prevention is based on an accurate preliminary study of the project, thanks to a close cooperation between the Fire-Prevention Technician and the team of architects.

Thanks to a layout optimization and an appropriate material and system choice, Total Service Engineering, carries out a thorough fire prevention design, focused on the risks assessment and the protection of the people inside the building.

Total Service Engineering’s experts follow the project’s approval with the local Fire Department/ authority in charge, also managing all the drafting and certification of the necessary documentation.